Everybody has their favorite type of shopping. When it comes to saving money and getting good quality pieces, thrifting might be the choice for you. Thrifting has many ways of shopping, such as going to vintage stores, second hand shops, and of course thrift shops. Thrift shopping is time consuming, and you may not be successful at the store you visit, but the satisfaction you get from finding the perfect piece of clothing is one of the best feelings. When it comes to thrifting, in my opinion there is one thing should look into before going thrifting. The main thing for me is to do research of the location of the store and the reviews. If the store is in a popular area, the store could be more saturated and there won’t be as much of a selection for your size, or the quality of the products may not be good. An example of a thrift store I wouldn’t recommend going to is 2nd Ave Thrift Superstores in Hamilton, New Jersey.
The reason I say this is because it is very saturated with young adults and teens so it is a good chance you will not find your size and if you do there’s a little selection. A great place to go thrift is The Goodwill outlet store in Bellmawr, New Jersey. The Goodwill store has a large selection of products and rotating bins of clothes that rotate every hour, hour and a half. It is so easy to go through a bin and find things you like, and sometimes you find designer pieces for a great price.


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