My Fashion Influences

This is going to be my final post for this blog! I very much enjoyed speaking with you about the topics I had written about previously. This week I wanted to write an appreciation post about some of my favorite people who have influenced me in some of the things I wear.
The first type of style I wanted to talk about is Tyler The Creator’s style. Known for having cropped pants, colorful designs on his shirts, or his nails, platform loafers, and the unique hats and trunks he incorporates. Tyler has been a big inspiration to me because he wears what he wants, and he doesn’t care what other people wear. His style is unique and has influenced many other people to wear certain things that they may not have worn before.
Another big influence for me is Lil Yachty. His style in my opinion is oversized clothes, sometimes vintage preppy look with Ralph Lauren Or Tommy Hilfiger. He mixes different types of shoes like boots, sneakers, designer trainers. His style is very broad due to his extensive online and retail purchasing that can be seen on some of his youtube videos, or from interviews where he talks about his fashion sense. He also is known for painting his nails and also like Tyler he has his own nail polish company Crete.
My final influence in fashion is Dennis Rodman. The reason it’s Dennis Rodman is not only the uniqueness in his style but also his attitude. He didn’t care about what other people thought about him or what he wore, he just wore what he wanted. He dyed his hair many different colors, patterns, and styles. He wore crop top shirts, dresses, and also painted his nails in the 90’s. He is an example as to where you love!
I’ve enjoyed blogging my opinions on various topics for the last couple of weeks! It’s been real. Peace.


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