Insulting vs Inclusive

Hello, it is Quincy again. Today I wanted to talk about brand names that are known as offensive or insulting and brand names that are inclusive. Brand names are very important, and when you are choosing your brand name you should account for other people because you never want to offend anybody. The brand I am going to be talking about is a vegan blog that produces vegan cookbooks called “Thug kitchen”. You may be asking, “how is thug kitchen offensive?” The word thug has been basically assigned to black people over the years. It dehumanizes somebody, and being called anything based on your skin color doesn’t make anybody feel good. The blog started in 2012, which shared content written in AAVE ( African-American Vernacular English) and often included rap lyrics by popular black artists. In 2014 the blog released their first cookbook which led to the world finding out the owners of the blog. Being both white, the brand got a lot of backlash for appropriating black culture, and digital blackface. A brand that I’d say is inclusive is Etsy. The brand cares about diversity and they’ve shown it. An example of how they care about diversity is when they had an ad campaign showing how gifts bought off Etsy could make people of diverse backgrounds feel seen and included. One specific example is an ad of a girl named Shiori. Her name being so unique made teachers, and everybody that was meeting her for the first time mispronounced her name, and she could never find her name in gift shops. She received a necklace with her name on it off etsy. That only shows that Etsy cares about diversity but everybody being included. As a shopper it would make me second guess shopping with brands that have offensive names. The reason is because I don’t support racism, or offending people. The world as it is already isn’t the best, and there's already so much hate going around. We as a whole have to be more aware of others. We have no reason to offend people, whether it is purposefully or by accident. Mistakes happen but if you can just take a few extra steps to make sure nobody will be offended could help generations after generations change the path of the world.


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