Things I do to Improve my Mental Health through Fashion!

Mental health is something that can be very tiring on somebody, or it can make you anxious to walk into a crowded room. It can make you second guess yourself to wear you lose confidence in your appearance. I’ve experienced many situations where my mental health caused me to lose confidence in myself to the point where I didn’t want to go out in public. Something that has helped me overcome my anxiety is dressing how I want to, to my standards. Growing up I was told “if you look good you play good” and I always thought it was just something all the older people told me before my games. I may not have applied it to the basketball court but I did apply it to my life and it has helped with my anxiety immensely. Wearing what I like and what I want allows me to be the most comfortable and confident in my own skin. The photo of me was from a week ago and I was low on confidence, but going outside and taking these pictures did boost my confidence because I liked the outfit and the pictures enough to post them to my social media. Another thing that has also helped me with my mental health is going shopping, whether it is in person or online. Sometimes I don’t even buy anything, if I’m online shopping I add things to my wants list or my cart and just keep them in there. One day when I feel like I need to do something to feel better I will go in my carts or my wants and make an emotional purchase for the better of myself. I feel like when you’re shopping and you finally get that item you’ve been searching for is like the best feeling in the world.


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