About me

My favorite thing to do is workout and shop. Working out and shopping are my getaway from reality. Being in the gym and feeling the gains helps me tremendously become more confident in myself but it also helps me become less anxious. My anxiety can get bad sometimes so if I feel it getting worse I may bring myself to go workout or go to the nearest thrift store and shop. Shopping online or at a thrift store are my go to’s for shopping. I tend to stay away from retail stores and or malls because I never truly find anything I like and online the sales and discounts are the best. I have a dog, her name is Hazel Grace from the “Fault In Our Stars”. She is a german shepard, and she is so well behaved. She barks non-stop though, that’s her only downfall.
In the future I want to have my own clothing brand where I am able to give an outlook on how I see fashion and become a really big designer like Virgil. When I think of fashion, I don’t think of what brand the piece of clothing is or how much it costs, I picture myself wearing it and how I would feel in it. When it comes to me and putting clothes on I want to be comfortable, but still show my own style. I want to be able to wear outside of the box pieces because they look cool, not get judged by others. Wearing whatever I want has allowed me to not worry as much about what others think of what I wear, and I started focusing on myself and what makes me happy.


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