My First Store

Hello everybody, it's Quincy again and I would like to proudly announce the beginning of a project I’ve been working on. I am opening my own clothing store. The name of my store is Fits. My store is located in the fashion district in New York. The mission of Fits is to make customers confident in themselves through clothing. The store connects to my blog through fashion and mental health. The store is set out to help build confidence within customers which could lead to a better mental health. You should expect to see a section for second hand clothing, vintage pieces, and some luxury street wear clothing.
My store will look simple but a lot at the same time. It would be white walls with white ceiling and marble floor. The shelves would be white and the counters woould be a white bottom with a marble top. The store would look very modern with floor to ceiling windows in the front of the store with glass doors. As far as decorations go I would buy paintings from local artists and hang them throughout the store with an embroder saying who made the paintings. I'd also have certain plants and flowers throughout the store to bring in an earthy comfortbal vibe with a little bit of vinery on some corners of the walls.
The unique service I am planning is a styling AI. There would be 10 small booths where you could use the stylist AI. What The AI would do is scan the person with a face scanning software and it would give that person images with them in different clothes and color and that person would choose which outfit they would like. Based on their selection the AI would display a screen with outfits that could be made within the store for the customer with the set style they chose and it would locate said items for that customer. There will be an opening party!


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