Post Consumerism Waste Materials

If you don’t already know what Post Consumerism waste materials are I will give you a brief explanation. Post consumerism waste materials is any type of garment that the consumer may not want anymore because of it being worn out, it being damaged, or it going out of fashion. Then that product that is unwanted would get recycled and get used for a different item.
A brand that is known for using recycled materials is a spanish brand named Ecolaf. The brand's intention was to create a sustainable brand as a result of not having a large market for 100% recycled materials. An example of a product that is made from recycled materials would be their Aneto jacket. It is made out of recycled polyester from used plastic bottles, and Sorona which is a biopolymer that is made from corn production residue. Another product is their Bas Bucket Hat. The product is made from 100% organic cotton which is grown without the pesticides and all the negative things that could impact our environment. It is grown in clean soil and water conservation practices. The final product I will be talking about is their Tail knit sweater. It is made from 70% organic cotton and 30% linen. The linen is biodegradable and a natural fiber that removes CO2 from the atmosphere.
The reason I chose this topic is because when I get tired of clothes I normally just bring it to a goodwill donation center. Do I know that the clothes will actually reach a Goodwill store? No I do not, and the more I research this topic the more I realize that the products I do bring may end up in landfills that do nothing but harm our environment. Brands that use recycled materials are important because they are taking steps into bettering our environment, they are trying to keep the world a cleaner place, and it starts with that. My opinion is that these products are somewhat expensive, but you know that the item has been really worked on. You know the product is going to last you a while because of the materials they are made of and the product itself is nice.Here are two blogs that helped me get a better understanding on what post consumer materials really are and the benefits they bring to our environment. The-most-inspirational-blogs-on-sustainable-fashion and it-is-not-easy-being-green Here are the links to the products I spoke about if you were interested in taking a look for yourself at the brand specifically and other pieces they may have, for the jacket the link is Aneto-jacket-man-antartica, for the hat the link is bas-bucket-hat-unisex-olive and for the sweater the link is tail-knit-sweater-man-denim.


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